About Me

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I'm just a 28 year old woman that married the man of my answered prayers on July 18, 2009. We have our sweet Ella that was born in September of 2010 and our precious Charlotte that was born in February of 2012! On March 24, 2013, our first son was born, Josiah Warner. After a complicated pregnancy, he was born very prematurely and lived less than an hour before going to be with Jesus. Through life's ups and downs, I'm trying to figure out how to follow Jesus. I mean, really follow Jesus. The kind of following where things start to change. It's time to put action to the passion

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's Time to Put Action to the Passion

Here I am. Blogging. I'm really gonna stink at this whole blogging concept. I have recently become obsessed in following people's blogs and they are all much better writers than me. But, hey, this will make it easier to follow them now, right?

What's the first thing to do when making a blog?
Come up with a cool name!

Am I cool enough to come up with an awesome name?
Well, no.

Should I just listen to my favorite songs from the Antioch Church in Waco, TX and steal a quote from Heather Mercer as my blog name?
YES! Clearly, this is the only option!

It's time to put action to the passion. I'm tired of sitting around with all of this bottled up love for Jesus.
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? James 2:14

I mean, I'm ready to start living my life as close to Jesus' life as possible. I want to start having actions where even other Christians begin to think, "ummm, not sure about that..."
If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? James 2:15, 16

I want to be doing exactly what God is calling me to do when Jesus comes back. I think that I would probably be pretty ashamed if Jesus came back right now. I'm getting ready for that 'something more' in living my life out for Jesus.

it's time to put action to the passion

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